Freemasonry in Henley on Thames

Although Freemasonry has existed for hundreds of years, it’s relatively new to Henley on Thames: the first lodge being established here in the late 1800s. But from then it has gone from strength to strength, and Henley now boasts not just the one lodge, but six Craft lodges. It also has three lodges representing additional orders. That makes The Henley Masonic Centre a busy place, what with ordinary meetings, rehearsals and social activities going on throughout the year.

Freemasonry is a fraternity, not just for men, but did you know that women also have their own grand lodges? Freemasonry is based around self improvement and helping others. Through a series of mini plays that one can either watch or participate in, life lessons can be learnt. Charity also plays a big part in a Freemason’s life – and small or large individual amounts are donated, so that collectively Freemasons in England and Wales give a colossal £40 to £50 Million each year to worthwhile causes. As an organisation, that puts them one behind The National Lottery in terms of giving.

In a nutshell, Freemasonry centres around four things, all of which are worthwhile qualities in anyone’s life: Integrity; Respect; Charity; and Friendship.

Have a delve into our website – and see what each of our Henley lodges are about. On some there are links to the individual lodge websites where even more information can be found. If you have any questions we’d be really happy to help.

Chris Wagstaff

What is Freemasonry?

People often ask us what is Freemasonry all about? The answer might take a lifetime to answer in full, as at its core it’s all about self development.

It’s about being the best that you can be.

But let’s start at the beginning and say that we’ve been meeting in Oxfordshire for nearly 300 years.

The first few local Oxfordshire Freemasons gathered in a humble Oxford city inn.

In many ways we were the earliest social medium, attracting men of all backgrounds, and cutting through traditional barriers. There were tradespeople, ordinary citizens, academics, students and even the innkeeper himself.


Their simple idea was to build friendships outside their own social or work circle, enjoy some food and drink in a happy social atmosphere, help charities and the needy, and to strengthen character, confidence and integrity.

From a tiny handful back then, we’ve grown to nearly 1,700 Oxfordshire Freemasons, 56 Lodges, meeting in 10 centres, located in just about every local town. 7 of those 56 lodges are based in The Henley Masonic Centre (traditionally known as Thames Lodge).


If you think that Freemasonry is a male only activity, you may be surprised to discover that there are 2 autonomous Grand Lodges for women, both with many members throughout our beautiful county.

Their activities and objectives exactly mirror ours. In many cases the women’s Orders meet in our premises. You can find links to both organisations at the bottom of this page. The nearest female Freemason’s lodge is based locally in Caversham


We’re absolutely open about who can join, how to join and what to expect.

With many different Lodges, there’s one to suit you nearby. Our own centres and halls are in Witney, Thame, Burford, Henley on Thames, Woodstock, Caversham, Bicester, Oxford, Banbury and Chipping Norton.


You should be of good character, be aged 18 or over, and live or work in Oxfordshire, and you must be able to profess belief in a Supreme Being.


You don’t have to wait for an invitation to join. Even if you don’t already know a Freemason or have a family member who is, we can assist. To find out more why not drop our friendly Oxfordshire Membership Officer an email.

The Henley Freemasons Lodges

“Every Lodge is different – different people, different ways of doing things etc… that’s what makes visiting so much fun”

There are 7 ‘Craft’ lodges that meet in Henley on Thames, making up part of Oxfordshire’s vibrant 55 craft lodges. But once a member of a craft lodge, many more doors open for you to explore other connected lodges.

Please click on a banner to find out more about that individual lodge. .



Upper Thames Lodge No. 8696
Round Table Lodge No. 9697
Temple Island banner Henley on Thames
Temple Island Lodge No. 8031

Thames Lodge No. 1895
Thames Chapter No. 1895
Henley Mark and Ram Lodges

Regattas Lodge No. 9660

Regattas Lodge is about to enjoy its 25th anniversary. Its members have a love of rowing. Regattas. Some are current or past rowers whether elite or recreational. Others just like the fun atmosphere Rowing creates. We draw our members from across the UK and abroad.

The lodge and its members are sponsors of the Henley Town and Visitors Regatta., as well as supporting many local charities.

Most lodges have a dress code, based on formal wear – dark suits etc. Regattas from the outset have had permission to wear “Regatta Dress” and thus its members wear blazers (the stripier- the better!) white trousers and rowing club ties. As a result, Regattas has a relaxed atmosphere which encourages a high number of visitors.

Facts at your finger tips

Regular meetings per year4
Meeting nightsThird Friday in February
Monday before 27th Sunday
Friday before 31st Sunday
Third Friday in October
Usual time of meeting6pm
Date of Consecration15th November 1997
Lodge specialismRowing and Regattas


If you would like any general information about the Henley Freemasons please contact:
Chris Wagstaff –

To enquire about how to become a Freemason or to join any of the Henley Lodges in particular, please complete the following form and the Oxfordshire Membership Officer David Robinson will be in touch :